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Next 2 pictures is the one that won my category. He must have had a pretty flawless build because it was not that strikikng a model finish wise.
2nd place in my category. Fantastic rigging and nice build. I could have easily beat this though if I had fixed a couple of small errors. This guy has won a few times I think. I did not get a real good picture of any of my competitors.
One of my favorites. Probably a toss up between me and him for 3rd. Ours were definately the best looking ships on the table.
One of my competitors. Won best Colorado subject (contest was in Colorado) but did not place in my category. The lattice masts were awesome but there were a lot of build problems.
Some of my favorite pictures from the rest of the show.
Loved this. I think it won best fantasy diorama.
Some OK Rust
Category Winner
One of these 2 won. (above and below) Not sure which
Another Winner (I think)
Awesome hairspray finish
Second Place in Carrier category
I loved the model in the next 2 pictures. It did not win anything
Winner in large scale carrier class. Very nice. Hanger Deck had Lights - 3pics
2nd Place small scale carriers
Winner small scale carrier. I think it should have won best ship. The builder is from Salt Lake
This plane won its class. Awesome model. One of my favorites at the show.
Winner of Best Aircraft in show. Awesome. My only complaint is the plain aluminum finish. With some weathering or pannel variations it may have been best of show.
Compare this 32nd scale mustang to the 48th scale winner above. And this one is not even bad at all, it is just completely out classed..
Beautiful Exhaust staining.
Winner of one of the categories I helped judge
2nd Place Tank
Winner of the other category I judged
Winner of science fiction vehicles
Almost won best aircraft. Probably the second or third pick